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Did someone say rebranding? A new logo and vibe is just what the Questa Education Foundation got. Bright oportunities and forward thinking are just some of the attributes Questa is known for. With that, the bold colors and clean lines of the new Questa logo speak volumes of their mission.
To learn more about Questa watch the motion graphics piece Anchor Films produced.
Responsible for: Design and Branding Identity
Graphic Designer: Brilliant Fox
Motion Graphics: Anchor Films
Did someone say rebranding? A new logo and vibe is just what the Questa Education Foundation got. Bright oportunities and forward thinking are just some of the attributes Questa is known for. With that, the bold colors and clean lines of the new Questa logo speak volumes of their mission.
To learn more about Questa watch the motion graphics piece Anchor Films produced.
Responsible for: Design and Branding Identity
Graphic Designer: Brilliant Fox
Motion Graphics: Anchor Films
Questa Education Foundation // Motion Graphics